Cheryl Rux
Kaleidoscopic Stars

Cheryl Rux is a Tacoma Artist who specializes in interactive art that allows the community to participate in various forms of creativity and fun.

Josh Rizeber
At the Show

Josh Rizeberg is a Tacoma raised spoken word poet, MC vocalist, visual artist, and designer. He is part of the BLDNDSTRY artist collective who use Hip-Hop, poetry, journalism, art, and activism to fight gentrification and work for police accountability. Rizeberg has been a mainstay in the Pacific Northwest art scene for nearly 30 years. He has won poetry slams, taught workshops, & traveled the world as a performing artist all while staying loyal to Tacoma.

Campfire Coffee

1554 Market St, Tacoma, WA 98402


Cheryl Rux at Camp Colvos Brewing + Pizza Co


Cheryl Rux at Lux Perpetua Coffee