Seabury Middle School

924a Broadway

When the community is your classroom, there is no limit to learning opportunities. Studying the history and architecture of Tacoma means doing original research using local archives and working with local historians and architects to visit and study your subject in person. Studying the influence of Mount Rainier, its glaciers, and its rivers on the development of the region means hiking to a glacier with a glaciologist from a local university and meeting with farmers who depend on the river for their rich, Puyallup Valley soil. Learning about world religions means visiting the Islamic Center of Tacoma, St. Patrick's Catholic church, the Sikh Centre of Seattle, a Methodist AME church, Urban Grace, Temple Beth El, and more. Leadership and community service mean creating a mural to bring life and color to a drab alley, and involvement with meaningful projects that make a positive difference in the community. Capstone projects give each eighth grader a chance to spend a year exploring a passion and completing a service project.

Baroque to Blue Ridge Simple Gifts
Northwest Sinfonietta

Northwest Sinfonietta
Baroque to Blue Ridge Simple Gifts

The Northwest Sinfonietta, founded in Tacoma, Washington in 1991, is the premiere chamber orchestra inthe Puget Sound region. Northwest Sinfonietta is at home both in and outside of the concert hall,performing in a variety of venues in the South Sound, bringing innovative programming and uniquecollaborations to diverse audiences of all ages. Northwest Sinfonietta is one of the few orchestras in theworld to operate with an Artistic Partner model, and currently works with three artistic partners—YanivAttar, Mei-Ann Chen and Jeffery Meyer.


Stars 4 Peace at Odd Otter Brewery


Steve Laberge at Foss Waterway Seaport