Steve Laberge
Project CAT: Catastrophic Attempt at Teleportation
A longtime participant in the Tacoma Light Trail, Steve is renowned for his whimsical large-scale 3-D pieces. You can find his joyful art on Tollefson Plaza, Downtown Tacoma.
Collaborators on this project:
Paul Blanchard: Creative Storyline. Author of the Facebook Page “What is that Tacoma”.
Martin Christoffel: Layout and structural design.
Steve LaBerge: Person in charge.
Tom and Mark Blanchard: Builders/creative design engineers.
Natalie LaBerge: Big and Little Picture idea generator.
Damon Koronakos: LED light programmer and artist.
Nick LaBerge: Interactive light/sound engineer
John Anderson
Cat song
A local Tacoma artist.
Tollefson Plaza
1548 Commerce Street